Webcast1 Launches iPhone App for 411 Pain

Monday, February 21, 2011 | |

Webcast1, a Boca Raton-based Web development and Internet marketing boutique, has entered the mobile development and marketing arena by creating the essential iPhone app for anyone with a car and a smartphone.

411 Pain's CarAccident app simplifies the post-accident reporting process by taking and organizing photos of the car damage, identifying injuries and filing a case report to 411 Pain’s attorney and physician referral service.

Early reviews of the app point out its ease of use, quick load time and how convenient it is, especially in the stressful circumstances following a car accident.

The CarAccident app quite literally puts the tools to navigate the post-accident maze in right in the palm of the user’s hand. The features of the CarAccident app allow the user to:
* Take photos of the user’s vehicle as well as other vehicles involved
* Use app icons to note the vehicles’ damage
* Tap the individual areas of the front and back body icons to show where the user feels pain
* Upload photos of drivers’ licenses, insurance cards and license plates
* Submit the case to 411 Pain

The app, which is published by 411 Pain, is available for download at CarAccidents.com. Webcast1, which developed the app, also provides technical support to users while its Internet marketing division, SearchWiz Marketing, uses its marketing network to get the word out about the app.

More information can be found online at http://www.webcast1.com

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